Fighting Change: Have You Bought Into the Lie?

fighting change

There is a great divide when it comes to the topic of ‘change’. For some, it’s exciting and energizing. For others, it evokes passionate opposition.

Just take a look at any time a social network makes changes. A new layout, a new look, an added feature and you will get a handful of people who are elated and can’t wait to experience it. Then there’s the other group of people who grab their digital pitchforks and start making as much noise as they can.

Hating Change

Some people hate change. The very thought of change causes a visceral reaction. Even the slightest hint at change causes sharp defensive reflexes like a horse pinched in the rear. Stand clear.

These people will fight desperately to hold onto the way things are. They fight back with vigilance and conviction, making assertive claims which would sound as if they’ve been informed (even if they clearly haven’t been).

I saw this first hand when I started talking about Google+ being the future of social media. There were some who violently opposed it. They ridiculed and criticized it because something in them knew something was changing. Even if they didn’t recognize it, their reaction was telling.


There is security in the familiar. People get comfortable when they have a handle on things. They feel safe.

Introduce something new, and insecurity sets in. Suddenly, their secure environment is about to have unfamiliar variables. They don’t have total control. What if they can’t keep up? The fear of failure begins to pollute their judgement.

The Problem

Life is change. There is nothing in nature that stays the same. Everything that has life is in a constant state of change: growing or dying.

“Living things change. Dead things don’t change.” – Mark Driscoll [Dead in Sardis]

Look at plants– they grow, ripen, and then they die. Once it stops growing it dies. There is no such thing as ‘stagnant’.

People are no different. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Stagnant is an illusion.

If you’re not growing creatively, you’re creatively dying. If you’re not growing intellectually, you’re intellectually dying. If you’re not growing spiritually, you’re spiritually dying.

Examples from the Business World

This infographic speaks volumes about the changing state of the world. I saw it months ago and I think it is what started my thought process on this post.

Pay particular attention to the “Refusal to Adapt Resulted in a Failure to Thrive” section.

the internet a decade later

The old cliche, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” is no longer relevant. When I hear that phrase uttered all I hear is, “We’re fine with status quo. We don’t need to innovate. We don’t need to grow. Don’t mind us, we’ll just be slowly dying over here.”

Embrace It

Whether good or bad, change is an opportunity to grow. Resisting it is a waste of energy when you can’t control it.

Embrace change. Embrace growth. Embrace life.

Dustin W. Stout Avatar

13 responses to “Fighting Change: Have You Bought Into the Lie?”

  1. Michael Avatar

    Thanks for the change stats from 2002 and 2012, very interesting!

  2. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Haha! Thanks Emilie!

  3. Emilie Eggleston Avatar
    Emilie Eggleston

    That was a good message. I liked that. Good job, Dustin. Boyfriend says with sincerity, “Mmhmm.”

  4. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Yea, sanity is kind of important. But then again, the whole insanity thing kinda worked for Van Gogh.

  5. J.Molina Avatar

    I’ve been quite doing the same. Just recently, I’ve been concentrating on my platform and just looking for individuals and leaders that are like minded and somewhat in the same field. Reading, watching, and continuously informing myself is what keeps me on top. I struggled with having a lot of things cluttering my vision. So I had to sit back and just simplify things for the sake of sanity.

  6. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Well one way is to Stay On The Cutting Edge (which is a post I wrote a while back). The other way is just to follow the thought leaders and always be sharpening my metaphorical axe.

    What about yourself?

  7. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Fantastic perspective Marcus! Do you think the resistance to change lies more strongly in fear/insecurity or pride?

  8. J.Molina Avatar

    Very true. How do you stay up to date in your current field?

  9. Marcus A. Cylar Avatar
    Marcus A. Cylar

    Great post, Dustin! As a pastor, I deal all the time with people who are either afraid or unwilling to embrace change. It’s an extremely difficult sell trying to convince people that what worked thirty years ago doesn’t work today. I think the key is helping people understand change is designed not to threaten their sense of self, but rather to enhance who they are in Christ and promote longevity of life and purpose.

    Domino’s Pizza is the perfect example of this. The CEO decided that rather than denying the aspects of its product that were no longer successful, he stared change in the face, admitted (publicly) the brand and the product needed refreshing, and made the necessary changes to stay in the game.

  10. Tim Avatar

    Nice post Dustin!

    I know so many people personally and in the workplace that resist change in general. Change doesn’t bother me much. I used to say that I liked to surf the next wave, now I say that like to position myself before the next wave forms. Don’t always get that right though. 😉

    Love the Mark Driscoll quote, “Living things change. Dead things don’t change.”

    Be blessed!

  11. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    True J.! Adaptation is essential for survival. I think Blockbuster, Borders, and Tower Records are proof enough.

  12. J.Molina Avatar

    Change is inevitable. We have to adapt. If not, we become extinct. We strive and fight to be heard in this noise world. Once we breakthrough, we become part of the trend.

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