group of people setting up campfire

How To Use Social Media To Create Community

Earlier this month I wrote an article for ChurchMag. It was about the importance of creating community in the social media space, and also gave a couple practical ways to make that happen.

It was actually inspired by a conversation in the comments section of another post on ChurchMag, and I thought it was valuable enough to write an entire post around the idea. The idea was this:

Conversation creates community.

In the article, I gave a couple tips on how to drive conversation, which will then lead to growing community. It’s essentially about being intentional, strategic, and personal. To read the full article, you can click here.

One last thing before you click over to the actual post

If you read through it, you’ll notice I end the article with a quote and a question (typical Dustin ;)…). It was a little disappointing to me that nobody actually answered the question.

Maybe because it was too difficult. Maybe it was too open-ended. Maybe people have something against 18th century poets! For whatever reason though, nobody answered the question, and I’m sure that this community here on DUSTN will be able to add some insight (or at least give it a shot).

So, do me a favor and head over to ChurchMag to read the full “How To Use Social Media To Create Community“.